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Jendea Simitecture

So, I started this Sims1 site so long ago, I don't remember exactly what year it was. According to the Wayback Machine, the first screen capture in the Web archive is July 2002. I'll go with a little before that, because I had already updated at least once and was a member of a webring (remember those?). Old Jendea Simitecure Site By 2003, the iframed site was coded (complete with Papyrus font!) and Manda was already on staff.
In archiving, I realized there was a lot of content packed into this old site and my original intent to put everything in one or two zips had to be altered. Before I think too hard about the number of hours I spent making things for sims1....

My stuff is here: Jendea's Sims 1 Creations
and all the wonderful staff simitects creations are here: Simitecture Staff Creations
(Also accessible in the menu under SIMS1: JENDEA or SIMS1:STAFF)

As a final word, I would like to express my appreciation for all those who donated their time and money to making this site happen. In putting together the archive, I was once again overwhelmed by the talent and creativity of the people who were staff Simitects. Thank you so much for making Jendea Simitecture your home: you guys really rocked! To the visitors and generous donators, thank you also for your encouragement, your emails, your forum participation and of course for downloading and using our things in your sims games!
Happy simming!